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International Day of Happiness 2021

Happiness isn't just a matter of waiting to feel it. Often, we've got to take active steps to check in with ourselves, look after our mental wellbeing, and work towards happiness. Read on to see how we celebrated International Day of Happiness this year.

Happiness is something we're more aware of than ever after forming our partnership with Bristol Mind, and a year spent navigating very strange and stressful times. 

So how do we find happiness? There are as many different ways to find happiness as there are people on Earth, so we thought we'd make things a bit easier by sharing what we do as a team to get happy. 

Flowers make everything better

Studies have proven that house plants improve concentration and productivity by up to 15%, reduce stress levels, and boost your mood. 

Spring is creeping up on us, the end of lockdown is in sight – and we're thriving as an agency. We thought a fantastic way to reflect this would be to send everyone a 'grow your own sunflower' kit and see who can grow the tallest. 

Growing sunflowers isn't all about celebrating Six, though. Flowers can help in so many ways, from simply boosting our mood by looking at them, to giving us a sense of satisfaction and productivity as we tend to them and help them grow. 

Weekly yoga is good for the soul

Every Wednesday, a few of us get together on Zoom to follow a yoga video and take a quick time out from our busy weeks. It's proven a great de-stressor (and does wonders for sore backs and tight hips from all our sitting in front of screens!). 

Yoga isn't the only way to move, though, and it's the simple act of moving that can really help you feel happier. Some of us prefer cycling, running or just taking a walk outside. Whatever we're doing, getting the blood pumping helps.

Turning to technology for a little boost of sunshine

This week, we shared the link for '10 days of happiness' with everyone in the agency. It's a free, optional 10-day email thread that floods with your inbox with ways to be happy!  

We were so inspired by the happy vibes, we took the chance to turn our weekly studio catch-up into a happiness hub this morning. We split into pairs and talked about the ways we personally find happiness, then shared them all together on a Miro board. Here's some of what we came up with, if you're looking for inspiration:

Dan + Neil's inspiration!

There are so many ways to be happy

Anyone else fancy running like you're being chased by zombies?

Before you go, here are a couple more #StayHappy tactics from our Sixers: 

"Build in some form of exercise to your everyday routine, whether it’s a walk, a bit of yoga, a run or something else, but don’t sacrifice that time for anything! Protect it. Your mind, your body, your friends, family & colleagues will thank you for it!"

– Jenny Browne, Senior Strategist 

"I think the best way to keep myself happy is getting outside, whether walking, running or sitting in the sun! Gardening or tending to my plants is something that I do for my own wellbeing, I think being able to nurture something and watch it grow is so rewarding!"

– Lily May-Suteau, Website & Content Executive 

What are your top tips for self-care, stress management, and getting happy? Let us know on LinkedIn


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