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The power of alignment: Why brand narrative and purpose are vital for employee experience and organisational performance

Competition and consumer expectations are pretty fierce.

It's crucial for organisations to differentiate themselves not just through their products or services, but through the essence of their brand narrative and purpose. However, the impact of a well-aligned brand narrative and purpose extends far beyond customer interactions—it permeates throughout the business, influencing employee experience, customer experience, investor confidence and ultimately, the organisational performance.

Understanding brand narrative and purpose 

Brand narrative: Firstly, brand is not just your logo. Brand narrative is the story your brand tells—cohesive and compelling, it communicates your brand's values, mission, and unique identity. It's not just about what you do, but why you do it, and how you do it differently from others in your industry. 

Purpose: Purpose goes beyond profit—it's the reason your organisation exists beyond just making money. It's about making a positive impact on society, contributing to a greater cause, and fulfilling a deeper sense of meaning and fulfilment for employees, customers, and investors.   


The intersection of brand narrative, purpose, and business strategy 

Aligning your brand narrative and purpose with your business strategy involves ensuring that every aspect of your organisation, from marketing to operations, reflects and reinforces these core elements. This alignment serves as a guiding light, informing decision-making and shaping the culture and direction of the company. We call this ‘laddering’. 

When your brand narrative and purpose are seamlessly integrated into your business strategy, several brilliant things happen: 

1. Enhanced employee engagement: Employees are more than just cogs in the wheel—they're ambassadors of your brand. When they resonate with your brand narrative and purpose, they feel a deeper sense of connection to their work and the mission. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of engagement, productivity, and loyalty.  

2. Clearer direction and decision-making: A well-defined brand narrative and purpose provide a clear framework for decision-making at all levels of the organisation. When everyone understands the 'why' behind what they're doing, it becomes easier to prioritise initiatives, allocate resources, and stay focused on long-term goals. This needs to start at the very top of your business. We’ve created a number of toolkits to help leaders develop a more purpose-driven leadership style, and create better impact between what they say and what they do.

3. Attraction and retention of top talent: 2024 has a challenging outlook when it comes to the job market. Despite this it’s still a fairly tight labour market to even a few years ago. By articulating a compelling brand narrative and purpose, you not only attract top talent who align with your values but also retain them by providing a sense of purpose and fulfilment in their roles.

4. Improved customer perception and loyalty: Consumers are increasingly seeking out brands that align with their values and beliefs. When your brand narrative and purpose resonate with your target audience, it fosters a deeper emotional connection, leading to increased loyalty, advocacy, and repeat business.

Purpose-driven companies can outperform their competitors financially. Research by Harvard Business School found that organisations with a strong sense of purpose tend to have higher levels of profitability and stock performance over the long term.

One example is leading CRM business Salesforce and Philanthropy Cloud.

Salesforce have integrated philanthropy into its core business strategy through initiatives like Philanthropy Cloud, a platform connecting corporations, employees, and nonprofits for charitable giving and volunteering.

This purpose is completely baked into it’s business strategy that revolves around leveraging its technology and resources to drive real positive social impact.

They measure the impact of this through;

  • Employee satisfaction: Morale and retention.
  • Social impact: Millions in charitable giving and volunteer hours.
  • Brand reputation: Salesforce is a CSR leader.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Strong relationships.

Salesforce's purpose-driven strategy demonstrates how a tech-focused company can effectively drive social change while maintaining business success.


Final thoughts

Organisations can no longer afford to view brand narrative, purpose, and business strategy as separate entities. By aligning these core elements, into a holistic brand experience, companies can have greater impact on both society and the bottom line. As leaders, it's imperative to recognise the power of alignment and leverage it to propel your organisation towards success in the long term.


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