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Developing a Carbon Management SaaS Product



Empowering SMEs to navigate complexity

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face challenges in implementing effective carbon reduction plans, primarily due to resource constraints and the complexity associated with calculating emissions and determining where to focus reduction efforts. In a dynamic market with ever-evolving standards and protocols, many SMEs lack the necessary education and guidance to know where to begin, and they often do not have dedicated in-house sustainability teams to provide support. SMEs are under growing pressure from customers who want to reduce their supply chain emissions and they need to demonstrate a commitment to reducing their carbon footprints. 

As part of bp's net zero ambitions, they needed to develop a product that would assist their SME customers in understanding their carbon footprint and creating reduction plans to support them on their decarbonisation journey.


Adopting a test and learn approach

bp knew they needed to develop a new Carbon Management Portal, but to develop a solution, they needed to prove their concept worked. They implemented a carbon calculator spreadsheet to assess the idea in the market and conducted a successful trial with a sample of 20 customers. 

After validating the idea, we conducted a discovery process. This involved incorporating feedback and insights from both customers and internal stakeholders, who played different roles in defining and building a prototype. This allowed us to test, iterate and validate the product journeys with customers before developing a Carbon Management MVP.


A scalable product for evolving needs

The MVP Carbon Management Portal was a user-friendly SaaS product designed exclusively for SMEs. It guided customers through a step-by-step approach, assisting them in collecting activity data to calculate their carbon emissions. This allowed customers to identify their carbon emissions hotspots and understand where to focus their reduction efforts.

With a continued test and learn approach, we also developed a white label SaaS solution tailored for different sectors, including dealerships, transportation, and logistics, as well as airports. The white label product allows customers to set reduction targets, create multi-year reduction plans and estimate the reduction they might see from investing in various lower carbon solutions, including bp's.

The white label product includes comprehensive Scope 1 and 2 emissions sources and a growing number of scope 3 emission sources in line with the GHG protocol.

We collaborated closely with bp's internal teams to uphold industry-leading standards and practices. Seamlessly integrating with compliance, brand, and ensuring robust digital security measures into every facet of our development.


A long-lasting tool for change

The Carbon Management Portal's user-friendly features, actionable insights, and measurable impact make it a valuable tool for businesses committed to beginning their journey in reducing their carbon emissions. As we continue to refine and expand the product, bp remain dedicated to empowering SMEs in their decarbonisation efforts, aligned with their own net zero ambition.


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